You take your first step to the south. You are invigorated by the adventure that awaits you.

You step effortlessly and reach the desert. You look around and see a small patch of green in the distance. You walk towards it and when you approach the hill and look down, you see the small but pristine oasis. The small body of water is crystal blue and encourages you to walk closer.

You follow your instincts and when you look into the water you see yourself a handsome prince, like those in a story book. You look at yourself again and you notice you look exactly as you had in the water! You stroke your silk robes and its soft texture resembles real cloth. In absolute amazement, you look around and see what looks like a flourishing market town built upon the oasis. You realize this is the doing of the miraging waters of the oasis. You think, could I live here and be happy for the rest of my life?

You notice a plump fruit in one of the merchant street carts. You walk up to it in your silk robes and grab the fruit. It is a peach. It's soft fuzz almost pets your hand and you bite into the fruit. Its juices are plenty and it overflows your mouth. You feel happiness and there is a spring to your step as you walk from cart to cart to pick the different foods established in the town.

After the small expedition into the town, with a full stomach, you settle down on a pile of sand and look out to the oasis. You watch the continuous motions of the town, and you know that you could live here forever.

Congratulations! You completed a satisfactory ending of the game!